Online registration Part 1 Personal contact information This information will not be given out. Your name   Address (street)   Address (city)   Address (province)   Address (postal code)   Phone   Email   Assistant name(s)   I am a returning artist NoYes [group aip-lastyeargroup]Last year in attendance   [/group] Next Part 2 Artist information This information is used for promotional purposes only. Name or trade name to be used in program, e.g. Carla's Curious Creations (if different to the name in part 1) Email to be used in program (if different to the email in part 1) Website (optional) Mediums used (check all that apply): Clothing Fabrics Glass Jewellery Metals Painting Photography Pottery Stone Wood Other I would like to give a demonstration of my work (we will advertise your name and site number) NoYes We hold a silent auction, with proceeds going to Lions Foundation Dog Guides of Canada I will donate a piece of my art to the Silent Auction NoYes [group aip-auctiongroup] Value of my donation $[/group] PrevNext Part 3 Site information Sites booked before April 30, 2025 are $170 each, after April 30, 2025 are $190 each Number of sites required at $ each Number of tables required: at $20 each Total amount due after registration is approved: $190 NOTE: Do not send any money until you have been notified by email that your application has been approved. Preferred sites(s), e.g. Y21, R8: Setting up occurs on Friday 5pm - 8pm (Main Street gate opens at 5pm), or Saturday 7am - 9am (Artist gate will be closed at 9:30pm) Please indicate when you will be at the park to set up: Friday Saturday PrevNext Part 4 Terms and signature Please read the following terms and check the "I agree" box. Then sign and date your form and click the Submit button to submit the form. I, the undersigned, agree to participate at the Lions 2025 Art in the Park at Elgin Park ad will abide by the rules and regulations set out by the organizers. I will attend both days from 10am to 5pm, regardless of the weather. I understand that Lions Art in the Park, Uxbridge Lions Club, their members and Lions International are not responsible for any theft, loss, damage, accident or injury however caused as a result of my participation in this event. The Lions have my permission to publish for promotional purposes any website, images and artist email I have supplied, unless otherwise noted. I agree to the above terms Sign the form by typing your name into the signature box below. Signed Date Prev